Saturday, September 24, 2011

Action Comics "No. 1" -- A Throwback to Superman's Roots

Action Comics No. 1 (the 21st Century version, not the 1938 original), is a throwback, a re-imagination of the Man of Steel today.
The cops are after him, everyone is suspicious of him; and his powers are far less.
Contrast that with the new "Superman" comic, where he's shown a few years later, and you have two different, but connecting storylines.
It's probably Superman's growing powers that are the hardest to get use to.
(Spoiler ahead ...)
He gets knocked out stopping a train at the end of Action No. 1, while he's far too powerful for that later. He leaps at first and progresses into flying.
His costume also gets fancier as time goes on.
Clark Kent is really characterized as a whimp in the new comics.
So, overall, it's a B+ for Action comics; an A for Justice League comics; and an "F" for Superboy comics so far.

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